We enjoy highlighting various services the Mr. Oil Xpress Lube team provides so our clients will be as best informed as possible. We understand you have many daily tasks and to-dos on your mind so allow us the chance to make vehicle help one less thing to worry about. This is part of why we introduced a “Spotlight Feature” through this blog space; we aim to inform our clients with car care guidance for this exact reason.
Today we are discussing the Front/Rear Differential service. For reference, a “differential allows the drive wheels to turn at different speeds, which is necessary when turning your vehicle.” As time passes, operating temperatures and wear can cause the fluid in the differential to break down creating a need to have vehicle service complete.
For this service, the cost is $44.95 each and we can complete this in 15 minutes. Just tell the guys when you pull up and we’ll get it done and you back on the road.